Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Welcome to the House of Felicity

Welcome to the House of Felicity -a happy little body boutique.

This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. I am working on getting the salon up and running. This is a work in progress right now but hopefully it will be finished sooner rather than later.

The House of Felicity came from the idea of happiness. While pondering on this thought one day I decided to google "happiness." When I did I was shocked to learn that another word for happiness was Felicity. This also happens to be my first born child's middle name. It was as if someone was trying to tell me something!

The next thing under the word Felicity was this quote: "happiness is never a handout but something we create with our hands." Wow! When I read that it made me think of my life and what I desire. I am an artist in a number of ways. I paint, take photographs, create hair designs, and even build sculptures out of playdough, pinecones, toilet paper rolls with my kids. This is who I am.

I hope through the House of Felicity that I will somehow inspire you, or even just pass on a bit of happiness to you. Through this website I will keep you updated on things in and about the salon as well as other little things that make me happy.