Thursday, April 8, 2010


Oh how I feel so alive today!!!!! Today was a day I have waited so long for, the opening of my own salon! It feels so amazing to be in this journey, I have to thank my parents, n-laws, children, husband and friends for all there help in being apart of this dream come true!!!!! I love you all so much!!!!

I woke today doing the normal and taking the kids to school but then off to my job, which is out of the norm(have been doing the mom thing for about 8 months). I almost didn't know what to do with myself. I walked into the salon and just stood there, looking around and then crying joyful tears.

About 7 years ago I was out of work and didn't know really what to do with myself. I was talking to my mama and she ask about being an artist and I told her there was no way I could support a family and then she said, "What about HAIR?, that's an art." Hair? I thought.... OK!

And thank God I did! I have never been happier designing hair and making people feel like they should, B-E-A-U-tiful!

So now I sit here @ the dining room table with my 8 year old realizing this is were it all began, right here in this room 7 years ago! I am truly blessed but what I think I have learned most is...

Mama's always right! (hehehe!)

By the way here is what my girls and I did 2nite and I just had to share! A nice laugh:)

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