Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ways we can look younger

Junk the "mom jeans"!

Use primer before applying makeup (btw, I have samples:) It's great for filling lines and makes everything smoother.

Wear eyeliner. It opens up the eyes!

Go bra shopping!!! A new bra that is hoisting you high enough can make you look 10 lbs. thinner!!!! LOVE IT!!!

Groom your brows. It can visually reopen the eye area.

Get rid of facial hair:)

Color your hair! Hair that is too solidly colored can actually emphasize fine lines by throwing darkness into them.

You all look amazing like I tell my mom but there are things we can do to not look our age or older. We don't deserve that!!! We deserve so much more!!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

So I was talking with a friend and she mentioned a website that I should check out to help with the oil spill and I did! It's great!
What I learned.....

Human hair is one of nature's most effective absorbents.
There is a national organization called "Matter of Trust" which solicits hair to be used as oil absorbing mats. One pound of hair cleans up one quart of oil and the hair mats can be used up to 100 times.

I have a great opportunity to help!!! I usually keep the hair I cut for my garden to keep the critters away but NOW want to keep it and ship it to the cause to make hair mats. Hopefully I can get other salons involved too! Anything helps, right?!
I am super excited to be able to do this and hope to see all of you for hair cuts to donate.

Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!

So this is poem my oldest (Rose) gave me today at her school for Mother's Day and I thought I would share and remind all of you mom's how special you are.

My mom is as lovable as a puppy.

My mom is as soft as a little chick.

My mom is as beautiful as a rainbow.

My mom is as smart as a teacher.

My mom is as sweet as ice cream.

My mom is as special as a rose.

That's my mom!

Thank you to all the mom's out there that have touched my life and help me in raising my little girls.

And a special THANKS to my mom(Pam) for always loving and supporting me in all the adventures in my life and believing in me no matter what! I love you mama!!!