Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Firework Katy Perry-Lyrics

I love the words to this song. The video is good to but just wanted all to know the lyrics 1st.
Remember friends your amazing in every way!

Friday, November 19, 2010

November and December

Time is getting away from me these days, but all is great! Staying busy with the buisness, family and now the holidays! Hope everyone is doing great!!!

Here are a few things I have come across lately!

Helpful tips:

>Not able to get to sleep with in 30 min. of getting into bed? Try eating a healthy bedtime treat of dried cherries and walnuts. Mmmmmm! Both are good sources of melatonin-the hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles- can improve sleep quality.

Now thats what I'm talk'n about!!!
Just saw on Doctor OZ and read in Prevention magizine that if you drink caffeinated coffee everyday it can decrease your risk of getting cancer. I'm sure all the details are on his or the magizines website.

>I have had several people ask me about hair dyers lately and so I have done alittle research and have found some.
For thick and frizz prone hair-Infiniti Pro by Conair AC Motor Sytling Tool ($39;
For fine and long-Turbo Power MegaTurbo 2500 ($72;
For fine and short-Hot Tools Professional Ionic Anti-Static 1000-watt Hot Air Bruch ($36;

Recipe of the month:
Celery-Sage Dressing
2 tbsp butter
3 med sweet apples, cubed
half a med onion, chopped
half cup chopped celery
1tsp rubbed sage
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
4 slices whole wheat bread, cut into 1/2" cubes
3/4 cup apple juice
1/3 cup dried cranberries

Heat oven to 375. Coat 2-quart baking dish with cooking spray. Melt butter in frying pan over med heat. Add apple, onion, celery, sage, salt and pepper. Cover. Cook 10min. Add rest of ingredients. Put in dish and dot with 1 tbsp butter. Cover and bake 20min. Uncover and bake 20 more min.

Makes 4 servings

Sounds soooo good!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!
I am so blessed to have my family of clients.
Thank you all so much for being in my life and inspiring me everyday!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Oh my! I am far behind with this. The kids going back to school has got me all sort out of wack. so sorry!

Tips for the month!!!!

Fast hair tricks are:
If you feel like you are in to much of a hurry in the morning and don't have much time to spend on your hair try spraying a shine spray on and touch up with your flat iron.
Also if you feel like you are starting to frizz midday try spraying some hair spray on your hands and run it over flyaways.

The color for the season is.....


From shoes and bags to dresses red is the color to mix!

Red this season is a great look with other colors like.....

camel,teal, and purple!!!




Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Peel a banana and dip it in yogurt.Roll in granola and freeze.

Mix together readt 2 eat cereal, dried fruit and nuts in a baggy for on the go.

low fat yogurt with granola and spinkle blueberries on top.

Microwave a small baked potato. Top with reduced fat cheese and salsa.

Kabobs: put cubes of low fat cheese and grapes on pretzel sticks.

Tortilla with peanut butter and diced apples in it and roll it up!

pita chips in hummus
graham crackers in applesauce
animal crackers in low fat pudding


Saying's I came across and had to share

"Strive for your best, somewhere, tucked into what seems routine, is the beautiful unfolding of the purpose of you!!!"


"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Because your GREAT!


Love this and had to share!


Here are some great uses for honey...

Soothes a sore throat
Soothe and soften chapped lips
Disinfect small cuts
Prevent fruit stains from setting
Naturally zap bad breath
Sip away a hangover. (Add 1 tbs. to a morning cup of tea)
Take hair from dull to dazzling (hair masque:In a heat-resistant container, mix 1 Tbs of honey with 1 Tbs. of olive oil and microwave for a few seconds. Once the mixture is cool enough to touch apply to your hair, root to ends using a comb. Wrap your hair in a warm towel and leave on for 30 min. (nap, clean, cook, ect.) :) Then rinse with cool water to close the cuticles.


Sunday, June 13, 2010


Combing and Brushing DO'S and DON''TS!!!

Combing is one of the most common things we do to our hair every day, but we shouldn't take it lightly. Be sure you have a good quality comb and brush. A plastic brush can cause static so look for a bristle brush. Combing: you should always comb from the ends up! Sectioning your hair makes it easier on yourself too. And USE A DETANGLER!

For the love of hair,

the thought that counts

Father's day is approaching soon and here are some great thoughts....

*take Dad on an adventure made especially for him. Plan a route that includes his favorite places and pastimes. Give him written clues as you go from one stop to the next.

*"you taught me..." notebook: journal your father's words of wisdom.

*Dad's own brew: pick up a 6 pack of Dad's favorite beer and decorate the bottles with customized labels. (

June tid-bits!

Keep wine chilled in a glass by freezing grapes and placing a few in your glass:)

June is the best time to by a spring raincoat...
Why? "Stores in most of the country are trying to clear out their spring inventories.
Savings? 40-70 %

Go BERRY pick'n!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ways we can look younger

Junk the "mom jeans"!

Use primer before applying makeup (btw, I have samples:) It's great for filling lines and makes everything smoother.

Wear eyeliner. It opens up the eyes!

Go bra shopping!!! A new bra that is hoisting you high enough can make you look 10 lbs. thinner!!!! LOVE IT!!!

Groom your brows. It can visually reopen the eye area.

Get rid of facial hair:)

Color your hair! Hair that is too solidly colored can actually emphasize fine lines by throwing darkness into them.

You all look amazing like I tell my mom but there are things we can do to not look our age or older. We don't deserve that!!! We deserve so much more!!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

So I was talking with a friend and she mentioned a website that I should check out to help with the oil spill and I did! It's great!
What I learned.....

Human hair is one of nature's most effective absorbents.
There is a national organization called "Matter of Trust" which solicits hair to be used as oil absorbing mats. One pound of hair cleans up one quart of oil and the hair mats can be used up to 100 times.

I have a great opportunity to help!!! I usually keep the hair I cut for my garden to keep the critters away but NOW want to keep it and ship it to the cause to make hair mats. Hopefully I can get other salons involved too! Anything helps, right?!
I am super excited to be able to do this and hope to see all of you for hair cuts to donate.

Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!

So this is poem my oldest (Rose) gave me today at her school for Mother's Day and I thought I would share and remind all of you mom's how special you are.

My mom is as lovable as a puppy.

My mom is as soft as a little chick.

My mom is as beautiful as a rainbow.

My mom is as smart as a teacher.

My mom is as sweet as ice cream.

My mom is as special as a rose.

That's my mom!

Thank you to all the mom's out there that have touched my life and help me in raising my little girls.

And a special THANKS to my mom(Pam) for always loving and supporting me in all the adventures in my life and believing in me no matter what! I love you mama!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hair Repair 101

You could be unknowingly committing hair abuse.

Daily blow-drying, rough brushing, coloring, spending time in the sun and pool can all lead to dry, damaged hair. To heal your hair and restore elasticity, wash with a moisturizing shampoo or one that is formulated for chemically treated hair. Once a week, use a deep-conditioning treatment.

Once hair is in good shape again, cut back treatments to once a month for maintenance. To prevent future breakage, handle your hair with care. Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle wet hair, starting at the ends and working your way up. When your hair is dry, go for a paddle brush with widely spaced bristles set in a flexible base. Stop split ends before they start by trimming hair every 6 weeks and blow-dry less often. Instead of blow-drying, apply a leave-in conditioner to damp hair, let dry and then finger-style.

Hope this helps!

For the love of hair,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Recycle those crayons!!!!

In my house the most unpopular crayon colors are gray and pale yellow. I never thought twice about tossing the duds in the trash, but it turns out that crayon wax spends an eternity in a landfill. Instead, put them in a small box and send them to the recycling program run by CRAZY CRAYONS, where your cast offs will be melted down and turned into a new generation of crayons. For details, go to

Happy little resources!

Ok friends, I have a friend who has a great website that I have to share. It is It is under the resource section. It allows you to enter your zip code and get your hair forecast for the day on a scale to 1-10. Another great thing about this site is that every time you visit a donation will be made to help dig wells in Africa for fresh water. Go check it out, I'm sure you will love it!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just in!

Half Moon Creationz. All of these creationz are one of a kind and made with quality beads made from glass, crystals and semi-precious stones. These pictures are of some creationz that are now @ Felicity for purchase.

Hair NEWS 4 U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Texture, texture, texture is the way of 2010. No matter the length it's all about the texture. I luv this becuz it is so easy for us to achieve @ home. The bigger, the messier, the better! Don't 4get when ur in a rush a cute little feathered barrette or headband is the perfect flare to keep us on the go gals in style.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

What's happeneing this month locally

April 17th is the Spring Heirloom plate sale @ Goodwood Museum and Gardens. Gardeners get out there and stock up on vines, trees, shrubs and more.

April 22-24th Thomasville's 89th Annual Rose show and Festival. Traditions including children's Rose Bud Parade, the Rose show, the Rose parade, Art in the park, an Orchid show, car and truck show and more!

April 24th is the Carrabelle Riverfront Festival in Carrabelle, Fl. Great family fun, food, art, music and sand sculpting!

April 25th Havana Bead Festival

And remember the Tallahassee Downtown Market every Saturday from 9-2 for organic local produce, fresh breads and eggs and family fun!

Get out and enjoy Spring and support locally!!!

Happy Spring!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dreams do come true!!!!!

So 2day was the official opening of Felicity! It was AMAZING! After I dropped the girls off I went to the salon and just stood there and every time I actually think about what this all is and means it brings joyful tears to my eyes. I really couldn't be happier and I have so many to thank! Thank you to my parents, husband, children and friends without you this dream would be to far to catch!!! xoxo

As I sit here and reflect on my day I think about the moment that brought me here and it was actually in this same house I sit in right now. 7 yrs. ago I realized I couldn't be a chef being a single mom and that I needed to have better hours. I got down on myself and started crying to my mama. As any mother would do she started telling me it was gonna work out and she then was giving me options. We talked about being an artist since that is really the only thing I know how to do and I told her there was no $$$$ in that and how could I support myself and the baby:(??? Then she asked me about doing hair. I had never thought about that and I smiled and said, OK!
Now here I sit in the house I grew up in with tear filled eyes, trying to get my kids to bed, with so much gratefulness. I have never realized what parenting really meant and its about making your sweet little babies dreams come true!!!


Oh how I feel so alive today!!!!! Today was a day I have waited so long for, the opening of my own salon! It feels so amazing to be in this journey, I have to thank my parents, n-laws, children, husband and friends for all there help in being apart of this dream come true!!!!! I love you all so much!!!!

I woke today doing the normal and taking the kids to school but then off to my job, which is out of the norm(have been doing the mom thing for about 8 months). I almost didn't know what to do with myself. I walked into the salon and just stood there, looking around and then crying joyful tears.

About 7 years ago I was out of work and didn't know really what to do with myself. I was talking to my mama and she ask about being an artist and I told her there was no way I could support a family and then she said, "What about HAIR?, that's an art." Hair? I thought.... OK!

And thank God I did! I have never been happier designing hair and making people feel like they should, B-E-A-U-tiful!

So now I sit here @ the dining room table with my 8 year old realizing this is were it all began, right here in this room 7 years ago! I am truly blessed but what I think I have learned most is...

Mama's always right! (hehehe!)

By the way here is what my girls and I did 2nite and I just had to share! A nice laugh:)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Welcome to the House of Felicity

Welcome to the House of Felicity -a happy little body boutique.

This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. I am working on getting the salon up and running. This is a work in progress right now but hopefully it will be finished sooner rather than later.

The House of Felicity came from the idea of happiness. While pondering on this thought one day I decided to google "happiness." When I did I was shocked to learn that another word for happiness was Felicity. This also happens to be my first born child's middle name. It was as if someone was trying to tell me something!

The next thing under the word Felicity was this quote: "happiness is never a handout but something we create with our hands." Wow! When I read that it made me think of my life and what I desire. I am an artist in a number of ways. I paint, take photographs, create hair designs, and even build sculptures out of playdough, pinecones, toilet paper rolls with my kids. This is who I am.

I hope through the House of Felicity that I will somehow inspire you, or even just pass on a bit of happiness to you. Through this website I will keep you updated on things in and about the salon as well as other little things that make me happy.