Thursday, October 13, 2011


So sorry I didn't get this on here sooner:(

1 of my besties and my massage therapist is giving Felicity clients $20.00 off a 1 hour or hour and a half massage this month!!!

Call me for details!!!:)

Thursday, September 22, 2011


What is scentsy? The best look'n and best smell'n thing in your house that won't start a fire:)

As many of you know, my husband is a firefighter and he will not allow candles or glade plug in's:(
I have two kids, a husband and a dog and I am just being honest but they stink so therefore my house can get a little stinky:)
Scentsy to the rescue!!!! It is a wickless warmer:) a 25 watt bulb is all it takes to melt the delicious scents slowly and fills your whole house with joy!!!

I have 2 beautiful scentsy's at the salon for sale and an array of wonderful scents too:)

my sweet scenty lady: Sylvia Carver


OUT YOU GO is a great new local business that some of my sweet friends recently opened!!
It is a pet sitting company and let me tell you what they are some of the best people to look to when it comes to the care of your pet family:)

check them out:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sharing is caring

Hope everyone has gotten back to the school routine and fun! I know we are so excited!!!! Summer was fun but the rest of the year is gonna be great, I can feel it!!! :)

So about summer.....

Are you feeling kinda dry?
Head to the shower and grab your conditioner
Put it on the mid-shaft and ends of your hair
Pin it up or comb it back and leave it in for a good 45
Results should be soft and shiny:)

Something I must share.................


I am a little obsessed!!!

This super productive website is where I can hold all my fun ideas for life.
When you look for friends through facebook after you have signed up free for pinterest find me and follow me. I have great hair ideas in my HAIR PIN BOARD!!

Also, I need everyone to please start thinking really hard about cooler weather:)
I need some fall y'all!!!


Friday, August 5, 2011

bye july! hello august!!!!

i can't wait till the kiddo's are back in school so maybe i can be on a more routine schedule of updating:)

hope all of you are having a great summer!!! can't wait to hear about all the fun!

some things i have been into this summer are...........

a GREAT website where you can get your ideas organized!!! sign up and follow me! i have a board on my profile all about HAIR!!! :)

CUTE back to school gift for teacher: clear bag with a pack of EXTRA gum in it with a little note that says "the difference between ordinary and EXTRAordinary is that little EXTRA. Hope you have an EXTRA good year!! :)

YUM-O!! chocolate covered kiwi pops!!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!

happy hotness:)

Monday, June 27, 2011

june has passed!

man-o-man! june flew by! i have been very busy lately with the kids out of school, the hubby's new job, family vaca's and our garden i feel like i have missed a lot of friend/client time! i hope everyone is enjoying there summer!!!

yummy summer recipes:

fresh'n up with a spinach and strawberry salad


baby spinach


candied/sugar walnuts

vinaigrette of choice

healthy sundea's


honey and honey graham bears

short bread cookies, apples and caramel

berries, almonds and granola

cornflakes, cinnamon and banana slices

peanut butter and jelly

mmmm... mmmm.... mmmm....

summer hair care

moister!!! is what we neeeed!!!!! headed into the sun mask your hair with some conditioner for a cheep conditioning treatment:)

if your color is not holding because of the pool and the sun, come on in for an in between and get a toner:)

summer love!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I have had the honor of meeting a sweet family in need. A couple of weeks ago this family had an accident on I-10 and their oldest daughter was badly hurt and it wasn't looking like she was gonna make it. To all's surprise the Lord needed her here on earth and she is now awake and ready for life! This family is amazing and they are all a miracle! I was able to spend some time getting to know them and they could really use our help. They won't ask for HELP so please help me help them!!:) I am taking up donations for them in the salon. They will be here for at least 2 more months and please pray for them:)


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dance Recital time

My little ones take dance and the bun is one of those things in life that can be a mean thing:) Here is an easy way to make the perfect bun on your little girls head:)

start with slightly wet hair

put in a pony tail,using a boar bristle brush (backcombing brushes work great)

then braid the tail

wrap the braided tail around the pony tail holder while pinning it with bobby pins

tuck in the ends with pins

put in any hair accerories


HAIRSPRAY the heck out of it. finish it with some shine spray for a not so stiff, hairspray look:)


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Mother's day!!!!!

Calling all MOM'S!!!!
If you mention your a mom at your next appointment because you read this you will receive 10% off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cute kid moment!
A little 3 year old is asked what would get your mommy for mother's day? she said, "A dolly! Cause she has no friends to sleep with at night except daddy!"

Friday, April 8, 2011


Today has been one of the best day's ever! Thank you all so much for letting this dream thrive!

Naming the salon Felicity was meant to be because you all have brought so much happiness to me!


Meeting my 1 year goals has brought us all the HAPPINESS of products! ENJOY!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

happy birthday felicity!!!!!!!

i can't believe it's been a year since my family and i opened the salon! this has been one of the best years of my life! thank you so much for being such a huge part of making me happy!!!! thank you for your love, support and understanding for my family and it's such a cool thing to be able to say you are all part of my family:) i am so blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! other big news in the salon!!!! i am finally going to start to sell products!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so excited!!!!!! hold tight for a few cuz i'm waiting on my tax certificate:) but as a thank you and birthday gift i would like to offer 10% off all products for the month of april!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, February 27, 2011

fun lil tid bits for the month of coming back to life after the cold!

SPRING CLEAN YOUR NOSE! I believe in neti potting and want all to know that is a HUGE help come pollen season!

Dust off your gardening tools and get to planning your spring/summer gardens!! (I CAN'T WAIT!!)

Have a SWAP PARTY! This is a great way to get rid of the old and get free new additions to your wardrobe. Gather some girls together for some dessert, put on some good music and have everyone bring things from their wardrobe they are done with and start swapping!!!! It's so much FUN!!


"The problems of the world cannot possibly be solvedby skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were."
John Keats

Monday, January 10, 2011

Please HELP!

For St. Patty's Day Felicity is spreading the LUCK!!!!!!

For who? The Chelsea House
What is that? Helping homeless women and their children in our area who face many challenges. It is the mission of the Good Samaritan Network to be a part of the solution.

What the shelter needs: soap,shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent, paper towels, body wash, women's' and children's clothes and non-perishable food for their pantry.

Please drop off donations at Felicity (the salon:) before March 17th

I will take all the donations to the shelter on my visit to give the ladies a hair cut.

As a thank you to anyone who brings in a donation and mentions this post I will give you 10% OFF!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

FUN DO's to play with!

love love love messy waves with shortish hair!!!!

super easy! (just remember, don't be to hard on yourself, curl to the back and section hair for help:)

thx models:)

messy side braid


It may sound silly but this little task is really helping me feel more at ease with one day getting to the rest of my cluttery house:)
I joined and love learning new things that are helping me with my household duties, taking time for me, etc........
Do yourself a favor for 2011 and go check out

Monday, January 3, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2011

First off I am sooooooooo thankful for my job and for the clients I am so blessed with. My clients truly become my family and I just LOVE THAT!!!!

Here are a few things I have found out about for the new year:

OK, y'all know I am not one for trends because I look at doing hair as art. We are all different so your hair color and cut should be sculpted or painted just for you because you are one of a kind:)

But trends do help with ideas.......

SO......... HERE WE GO....................

*Imbelishments in your hair or on your clothes
such as> brotches and feathers>LOVE IT AND SO FUN!!

such as> a messy side braid or the low braided pony coiled with ends tucked and then just random braids pinned back in loose hair. SO PRETTY AND EVEN IF IN A HURRY IT LOOKS LIKE YOU REALLY SPENT TIME ON YOU!

a year of both styles how NICE! ANYTHING GOES!!!

Craft of the month:
*You can so do this with your kids or for a girls nite with your besties:)

> go to your local craft store and find some killer jewels to sew onto your very plain gloves for the winter. TO FUN! AND ONE OF A KIND!

Recipe of the month:

LOL! a healthier choice to "I don't want to cook tonight:)"

No mess Lean Cuisine Market Creations. Freshly steamed and pretty tasty:)


Pampering ideas!
Soak in the tub
whiten your teeth
mini pedi or mani b4 bed
buy really good skin care
go get your eyebrows waxed (it's like a mini face lift:)
get a massage (Shea Tillery #4458447)
go to the book store, buy a cup of coffee or tea and read for an hour
give yourself a deep conditioning treatment
go grab a cup of Joe with a friend
go take a walk with a friend
eat lunch at a park (without your family:)
pick up some fresh flowers
just say NO! sometimes:) hehe! (I know its hard:)

Well friends,
Much love and peace to you and your family this year! I hope and pray it is a GREAT one! May you find HOPE AND ENCOURAGEMENT as you start on whatever journey it may be.

Thanks again for making 2010 so great for me!