Friday, August 5, 2011

bye july! hello august!!!!

i can't wait till the kiddo's are back in school so maybe i can be on a more routine schedule of updating:)

hope all of you are having a great summer!!! can't wait to hear about all the fun!

some things i have been into this summer are...........

a GREAT website where you can get your ideas organized!!! sign up and follow me! i have a board on my profile all about HAIR!!! :)

CUTE back to school gift for teacher: clear bag with a pack of EXTRA gum in it with a little note that says "the difference between ordinary and EXTRAordinary is that little EXTRA. Hope you have an EXTRA good year!! :)

YUM-O!! chocolate covered kiwi pops!!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!

happy hotness:)

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